Retire with Confidence

Do you have enough money to retire with confidence? Have you wondered what it takes to transition into early retirement?

Our financial advisors at Greater Midwest Financial Group are committed to helping you find the answers. We’ll balance your present and future finances so you can live comfortably and confidently well into the future.

Make the Most of Your Retirement

When you work with GMFG, you’ll receive dedicated, personalized financial advice for your retirement planning situation. If you’re a pre-retiree who hasn’t done much planning, we’ll reconfigure your finances to help ensure you can meet your retirement goals. If you’re already retired, we’ll help you efficiently access your assets and minimize any risk involved.

Retiree and Pre-Retiree Services

  • Retirement Income Planning: When you retire how do you access your savings? Should I take out my IRA money first? Maybe I should withdraw from my Roth IRA. How much should I put in cash to meet my monthly income needs? How do I avoid giving “Uncle Sam” more than I should in retirement? That’s what we do every day, all day long. After 35 years of doing this for clients we know what you should do and shouldn’t. We set up a plan for each year.
  • Tax Planning: Unfortunately, tax laws are always changing. What you were supposed to do in 2017 may not be true in 2018. Because we work hard to understand your entire financial situation and we know income tax issues we are typically better positioned to help you with the planning you need to do upfront to minimize your tax bill.
  • Wealth Accumulation & Preservation: How can I make money with my savings but not risk losing it? How can I find someone I can trust to manage my money? Would they really care about me and my family in the long run? I really don’t want to go back to work. Greater Midwest Financial Group has been around for 35 years. We care deeply about our clients interests, actually work hard with you to maximize your resources, and know what where are doing!
  • Long Term Care & Elder Care Planning: What can I do to protect everything I worked hard accumulate? If I end up in the Nursing Home I don’t want to lose everything. Should I put my assets in a trust? Should I buy some Long Term Care Insurance or is that a waste of my money? What attorney should I use and how much is that going to cost? Again, we can provide information on all those topics, so you are better able make decisions that fit your situation. We’ll spend the time to help you find a solution, so you won’t have to worry.
  • Organizational Management for your Planning Services: I have records on my taxes and investments everywhere. I wish I could organize this, so I can better understand where I am today. What if something happened to me? Would someone be able to figure out where everything is at? Who could I trust to put all this together? At GMFG, we want to keep you organized. You can better track how your investments are doing. During difficult times you won’t be scrambling looking for documents like a Power of Attorney because we will have help you get that document and organize it so you can find it not matter where you are in the world.

Case Studies for Our Retiree Services

See our retiree and pre-retiree services in action in these real GMFG case studies.

  • Case Study: Is early retirement possible?

  • Scenario:

    A married couple in their mid-50s with kids in college wants to know if early retirement or part-time work are real possibilities for them.


    GMFG reviewed the couple’s assets and retirement income sources, including 401ks, social security, pensions and non-retirement assets. We then devised a strategy that would allow them to work part-time until their full retirement by using a combination of their pensions and income-producing investments to cover spending needs.

    We also helped them restructure their investments to provide tax-efficient income while they work and reduce taxes as much as possible before they reach the required minimum distribution age of 70½.

    The hypothetical case study results are for illustrative purposes only and should not be deemed a representation of past or future results. This example does not represent any specific product, nor does it reflect sales charges or other expenses that may be required for some investments. No representation is made as to the accurateness of the analysis.

  • Case Study: The impact of long-term care on retirement.

  • Scenario:

    A married couple in their mid-70s wonders about long-term care planning and how it might impact their later retirement years, as well as the inheritance for their kids.


    Based on the couple’s assets and their current and future taxes, GMFG was able to project potential costs for their long-term care. Given their asset picture and desire to leave some money to their kids, we devised a long-term gifting strategy that would help them set aside money and protect some assets while still allowing them enough funds to afford long-term care costs.

    We then organized a family meeting with GMFG so the couple could share their plan with their kids and family members. This ensured the family would fully understand the couple’s wishes and feel comfortable with the decisions being made.

    The hypothetical case study results are for illustrative purposes only and should not be deemed a representation of past or future results. This example does not represent any specific product, nor does it reflect sales charges or other expenses that may be required for some investments. No representation is made as to the accurateness of the analysis.

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