Our Process Begins With You

Get your financial planning process started with Greater Midwest Financial Group and you’ll receive insightful, holistic, and personalized advice to align your life with your financial goals, plus the comfort of having a financial life that’s balanced and managed by someone you can trust is priceless.

Ready to Start Your Financial Planning Journey?

If you want to work with GMFG, get in touch with us. One of our experienced financial advisors will set up an initial meeting with you. We’ll get to know you and your goals, and we’ll provide you with a financial planning proposal outlining the benefits we can provide. The initial consultation is complimentary.

Meet With a Financial Advisor to Develop Your Personalized Financial Plan

A financial advisor at GMFG will walk you through the planning process. The plan delivery typically involves three distinct stages:

1. Discovery

This involves gathering the information we need to do develop the plan and sitting down with you to have an in-depth and insightful discussion on your goals and priorities.

2. Delivery

We will deliver your financial plan and our recommendations to meet your goals in a concise and straightforward way.

3. Implementation

Here we take the steps to implement the recommendations and start your journey towards financial independence.

Take Part in Regular Reviews

After your financial plan is in place, our work doesn’t end. Your financial plan needs to be adjusted and reviewed continually. As life changes, so do your goals and how to most effectively reach those goals. We’ll stay on top of your finances, keep up on the latest financial laws and industry changes and prepare for your annual review or as often as necessary, where we’ll thoroughly cover your latest assets and your current financial standing.

We’re Always Here for You

Whether you have questions about our services or you want to discuss your financial plan, contact us anytime. We’re always available to help!